function CREATE_ACCOUNT() { return 'Create account'; } function TO_PROFILE() { return '/webshop/profil'; } function PROFILE() { return 'Profile'; } function TO_FAVORITES() { return '/webshop/favorites'; } function TO_REGISTER() { return '/webshop/create-account'; } function REGISTERED() { return 'E-mail address in use. Please login to continue!'; } function TO_BAG() { return '/webshop/shopping-bag'; } function WRONG_PASS() { return 'Incorrect e-mail or password! Please try again!'; } function LOCKED() { return 'Your profile has been disabled due to multiple failed sign in attempts. To unlock your profile, please contact our tech support.'; } function NOT_APPROVED() { return 'Your profile has been disabled. To unlock your profile, please contact our tech support.'; } function FORGOT_PASS() { return 'Please type in your email address where we can send your password. Then click on SEND.'; } function SEND_PASSWORD() { return 'Send Password'; } function WRONG_EMAIL() { return 'The specified e-mail address does not exist. Please try again!'; } function MAIL_SENT() { return 'E-mail sent. Please check your e-mail box!'; } function MY_FAVORITES() { return 'My favorites'; } function ADD_TO_CART() { return 'Add to basket'; } function BAG_ADDED() { return 'Product added to basket'; } function IN_STOCK() { return 'In stock'; } function ADD_TO_WISHLIST() { return 'out of stock - add it to your wishlist'; } function OUT_OF_STOCK() { return 'Out of stock'; } function PLEASE_SIGN_IN() { return 'Please sign in!'; } function ITEM_ADDED() { return 'Item added to your wishlist!'; } function SIZE() { return 'Size'; } function PRICE() { return 'Amount'; } function YOUR_LOCATION() { return 'Your location'; } function NEED_DIRECTION() { return 'Need directions?'; } function GO_DIRECTION() { return 'Go'; } function LOCATION_FAILED() { return 'The Geolocation service failed!'; } function LOCATION_NOT_SUPPORTED() { return 'Your browser does not support geolocation!'; } function MERETTABLA() { return 'Size chart'; } function MISSING_DATA() { return 'Missing data!'; } function COOKIE_OK() { return 'Dont show again'; } function ORDER_COMPLETE() { return 'thank you-for-order'; } function THANK_YOU() { return 'thank-you'; } function PURCHASE_SUCCES() { return 'payment-succeeded'; } function PURCHASE_FAILED() { return 'payment-failed'; } function DELIVERY_TIME() { return 'Available! Delivery time: {0}'; } function ORDER() { return 'Checkout'; } function PAYMENT() { return 'Payment'; } function MSG_THANKS() { return 'Thank you for your message'; } function MORE() { return 'details'; } function SIGN_IN() { return 'sign in'; }